Bayley Profiles

by Emma Bonte, Phil Fullinfaw, Angela Littledyke, Paula Tardif, Matthew Lloyd, Jane McKenna, Gavin Moore, Bronwyn Phillips, Louise Taffs, Sarah Woodward, Sally Powell, Luke McCormack, Bri Peatling


Bayley Profiles

by Emma Bonte, Phil Fullinfaw, Angela Littledyke, Paula Tardif, Matthew Lloyd, Jane McKenna, Gavin Moore, Bronwyn Phillips, Louise Taffs, Sarah Woodward, Sally Powell, Luke McCormack, Bri Peatling


This group piece is representative of the strong connection we have to each other at Bayley House and inspired by Andy Warhol. The concept of silhouettes and each having their own space on the canvas shows we are all individual, but very much together and belong as a group.

“Connecting with your friends”- Matt Lloyd

“It represents connecting with our group”- Angela Littledyke

“I love being with my friends”- Sally Powell

“My favourite part was painting my head in”- Luke McCormack

“I like seeing myself with everyone else.”- Gavin Moore



Acrylic on Canvas

1 in stock