Inking it Up

Around Bayley Bayley Arts

Our commitment to staff development has taken a wonderful leap forward with staff training days at Bayley Arts.

The collaboration between Bayley Arts instructors and the esteemed Print Master Adrian Spurr underscores a commitment to fostering artistic growth and skill development within Bayley House and the wider community. Through professional development and hands on learning sessions, artists and staff have been given the invaluable opportunity to refine their craft under the guidance of an expert in printmaking.

Adrian Spurr’s expertise in printmaking brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, offering insights into traditional techniques as well as innovative methods. By engaging with Spurr, participants are not only learning to use the Printing Press but also exploring new avenues and approaches within the realm of printmaking.

The upcoming Ink it Up exhibition in June serves as both a milestone and a showcase for the progress made during these sessions. Artists, equipped with newly acquired skills and techniques, will have the opportunity to present their works to a broader audience, highlighting the fruits of their labor and the creative journey they have embarked upon.

Overall, the collaboration with Adrian Spurr exemplifies Bayley Artists’ dedication to nurturing talent and fostering a vibrant artistic community. Through continuous learning and engagement, participants are empowered to push the boundaries of their creativity and pursue excellence in their craft.

This future exhibition, lead up work and training is proudly sponsored by Bayside City Council.