A goal in one!
29 November, 2022
We provide rewarding opportunities that facilitate continual learning, enhanced independence, and inclusion in our wider community to enable the people we support to live a full and meaningful life with choice and control.
At Bayley House, we listen to you to understand your goals, likes and interests and support you to achieve those goals and set new ones. It is wonderful to see our clients working towards and achieving their goals, and we are thrilled to share a recent success story.
In her home life, one of Sarah’s goals was to increase her opportunities to go out in the community and build her day-to-day independence. Sarah was supported by staff to choose activities in the community of interest to her, that she could attend.
Staff at Sarah’s house proudly put residents at the centre of everything they do, by making sure they are in charge of making decisions about their lives. Communication between Sarah and her staff was the key to planning how to support Sarah in the best way to achieve her goals. This communication was initiated and driven by Sarah.
One of the activities that Sarah really wanted to try was mini golf. Sarah has access to one-to-one support at home and so she used these days to work towards attending mini golf.
These goals have been in place for some time now and Sarah has been working towards many aspects of independence. While this may just seem like a simple game of mini golf, it is way more than that for Sarah. Heading out to mini golf is the result of increased independence as she works out how much it will cost before she leaves home and makes sure she has the correct money. It is an increase in social skills and self-confidence as Sarah interacts with the mini golf staff as she is paying for her games and getting her equipment.
Well done, Sarah on your achievement!