CEO Update 9 August
8 August, 2021
I hope that you are well.
No doubt all Victorians would prefer not to be back in our 6th lockdown but if it avoids us ending up in a situation like those north of the border then no doubt it will be worth the sacrifice. We understand that the burden of dealing with lockdowns does not fall evenly across our community. If you are in need of support please do not hesitate to reach out to one of the Bayley House staff. We will do whatever we can to assist. As with most disability service providers we have continued to support the most vulnerable of our clients whilst not delivering our regular group activities during lockdowns. This has been in response to our interpretations of the government directions and guidelines. Nevertheless, it is true that at least some of the directions are open to interpretation and of course the situation for everyone changes as time goes by and with each successive lockdown. Bayley House is working with other disability service providers to consider whether in the future we may be able to offer more services in a lockdown context. We will keep you informed if circumstances change. Rest assured that our commitment is to support all our clients and families to the very best of our abilities…but to do so as safely as possible
Bayley House supports the NDS policy for mandatory vaccination (medical exemption acknowledged) of all ‘client facing’ workers. I have personally lobbied for this position and continue to advocate for it at every opportunity. Whilst the Federal Government has not seen fit to adopt such a position for the disability sector (‘strongly recommended’ hardly cuts it in my book…) it does appear that the industrial landscape is evolving. The decision by SPC last week of a ‘no jab-no work’ policy is significant. We are closely monitoring media releases by the Fair Work Commission which appear to signal a potential softening in its approach. A fully vaccinated workforce is the best way to protect our clients from COVID-19 as well as to provide a safe workplace. When it is industrially safe to proceed Bayley House will require all client facing staff to be vaccinated within a timeframe which is feasible given the limited supply of vaccine
It has certainly taken some time but finally, as recently advised, we have had confirmation that Aspen Medical will be providing onsite Pfizer vaccinations for any Bayley House clients who are as yet unvaccinated. The pop up vaccination hub will be at Middle Crescent on Wednesday August 11th 2021 and is also available to all Bayley House staff. Please note that if you wish to access this opportunity you need to complete the registration form and consent form provided with the earlier advice. We have confirmed with Aspen Medical that vaccinations will be provided on Wednesday as planned. If you have registered to attend please note that leaving home to be vaccinated is one of the five reasons to leave home.
Despite the challenge of COVID-19 it is wonderful to be able to share with you today some good news stories and opportunities. I am absolutely thrilled to let you know that the very much long anticipated Bayley House Arts Hub finally has a home! After months of searching we have signed a lease on a property in Avoca St Highett. We now have the exciting task of developing the fitout for this venture before launching Bayley Arts to the world! We have always known that creative arts are a wonderful activity for many of our clients, both developmentally and recreationally; also that the creative arts space can provide a wonderful ‘crossover’ space between the disability sector and the broader community. The Bayley House Arts Hub will set a new standard in service offerings as well as provide a base for community artists to engage with our clients and a first class gallery/exhibition space for our artists as well as other artists in the community
Janet Batey will be returning after some extended leave and will be taking on a new challenge. Many of you know that Janet’s passion is client rights and advocacy and I am delighted that Janet will drive this throughout Bayley House in her new capacity as Director, Client Support & Advocacy. This new role, directly accountable to the CEO, will grow our Support Coordination capacity as well as drive a more proactive approach to client advocacy, especially when it comes to dealing with the NDIA. Bayley House has a well deserved reputation for supporting clients and families and this role will ensure that we can further build on this
There have been a few key staff changes in recent months, new appointments and internal movements. Whilst I think we have announced them all I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the following additions/changes to the Bayley House family –
![]() Kerrie Rolfe; Acting GM Day Programs |
![]() Anthony Di Battista; GM People, Culture & Quality |
![]() Chris Glennen; Acting GM Accommodation Options |
![]() Andy Gabriel; Deputy GM Accommodation Options |
I know sometimes it can be difficult to know who to contact at Bayley House when you need to check something or need to tell us something. Here are a few helpful contacts –
Anthony Di Battista; GM People, Culture & Quality
Chris Glennen; Acting GM Accommodation Options (with us until end of November)
Andy Gabriel; Deputy GM Accommodation Options
Kerrie Rolfe; Acting GM Day Programs
Finally, thanks to everyone who has signed their Program of Support and returned it to Client Services. A quick reminder that we need these signed in order to continue to deliver services to your loved one. If you have a query about the Program of Support please contact Client Services or indeed feel free to call or email me directly. Bayley House is committed to delivery of day services using the NDIS Programs of Support model and seek your urgent response with a signed agreement. Please consider that every hour my Client Services team spends chasing documents which could so easily have been returned is wasted resources which would have better been expended in providing support to our clients. Thanks for your understanding
Stay Safe and Well.
Warwick Cavanagh
CEO Bayley House